Monday, March 31, 2008

10 Ways to Sabotage Your Website Traffic and Send Visitors Packing

If you are running a website or online business, your number one goal should be to build traffic. Drive in the following 10 ways to leave your site traffic. These things are not sure mistakes.
1. Link in the same window: links to other sites not open in a new window, then you are giving your traffic. Does not expect to use the site& 39;s visitors & quot; Back & quot; button to start somewhere remember. Once they disappear because they are the highest good.
2. No Free Content: pure commerce sites, the pitch is missing the boat. Credibility must be established, it gives visitors a reason to come back. Simply see the same Internet site to give visitors a chance to get a little infomercial for a lot of people need to know your site and exposed to the number of times before buying. Offers articles, links, statistics, and other useful information.
3. Design of poor people: If you do not have a professional web designer with the quality of the site. You can buy a template. Add inexpensive clothes and professional appearance.
4 site. USELESS Newsletter: If you do not already have Newsletter, you should. This is an effective and inexpensive way to market your business. We need to provide information on subscribers may want to communicate with current events. The best newsletters give free tips and advice to a lot of things. I want you and your subscribers to enjoy content by passing it on to friends. Readers asked for feedback on the survey. And they want to figure out a way to check deliver.
5. Subscribe difficult: Your request must be visitors to subscribe to your newsletter or e-zine is easier to do so. Your site every single page, providing an opportunity to subscribe. Newsletter archive copy of the visitors a chance to try before buying please. Newsletter that is not enough, subscribers will be abundance.
6. Light & quot; about & quot; info: too many either do not have a website & quot; ABOUT & quot; page or one with minimal information. This page is a tool, not just to establish credibility with customers, the media can learn more about your business.
7. Lacking Contact: resemblance to & quot; ABOUT & quot; page, a contact " & quot; pages as you need to thoroughly as possible. If you are not included in the mailing address and place of your site visitors may be reliability problems. If you do not have a commercial location, the post office will be able to rent a PO Box. Even receive mail may be at least accessible.
8 displayed. Too many ads: you want to sell your site, drive away potential customers are too widely advertised. Banner ads becoming a farm and avoid balance quality content with related advertising.
9. Counter using hit: there is no reason to provide a hit counter on your site. Why advertise your site when all traffic statistics can be retrieved through your HOSUTINGUPUROBAIDA?
10. Broken links: Links to hurt not only your website is broken when Rankings, will be crawled by the search engine, but they frustrate the tourists. If you provide a lot of links to your site is difficult to maintain that please. Make a point to regularly test your links to your visitors and helps them, including options, each page & quot; to report broken links & quot; says hoop.
if your site, either of the above crimes is a crime, then it& 39;s time to act. Evaluate websites, which have access to the site, to look at the notification of very specialized sites need help. No one has succeeded in making the facts on a website that it avoids these witty author mistakes.
stephanie Chandler is the author of & quot; business and the start-up checklist Planning Guide: confiscated entrepreneurial dream! " Founder and http://www., directory of free resources for entrepreneurs. Subscribe to the newsletter of the Small Business Hot Tip resources to receive and send mail. jolene lakeesha

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