Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Power of a PURL s in Direct Mail.

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The Power of a PURL in Direct Mail.
What the heck is a PURL?
It s simply a Personalized web-site (URL) that is customized to the person visiting the web site. It is often used with to further increase results with Direct Mail campaigns. On the direct mail piece there would be a web-site listed that would encourage the recipient to log on to the PURL.
How does it personalize it?
When the direct mail recipient logs onto the PURL, the information from the database is used to tailor the web page experience to that person. Moreover, once the individual logs in, the Web site can track the respondent s activity and continue to tailor the information based on his behaviour. This information can also be used to further tailor future print and Internet communications.
Okay ..Interesting, but why would I need this?
Well, the more you can communicate to your customers in multiple channels the better. The PURL s often capture information that can be used to help you understand your clients but also the value of your marketing money and what is being effective to drive you results. Also, once information is captured on the PURL you can have the information relayed to your cell phone or blackberry, allowing you to get in touch with your client right away.
So not only are you capturing valuable data and communicating with your clients on more than one direct mail level, you are virtually able to increase dead air time and touch base with them without delaying their buying process. Definitely they re to increase your results and improve your professional image.
By combining both media, marketers can take advantage of the comfort, tangible appeal, and quality of commercial print, plus the immediacy, tracking, and instant response of the Internet.
A PURL is powerful because it creates a comfort in the user because it relays little effort on their part (no mail order or phone call) just simply going to the web site to relay the info. That s all .simple steps. Simple works. It s well known that the longer the process, the lower the results meaning lower response, money and knowledge flowing through the person mailing the campaign.
In the Numbers
Doing some research it was hard pressed to find other companies numbers to show the success rate. There was a bank that was not succeeding on getting clients to switch over to electronic banking with their direct marketing approach. They switched to Variable Data Printing combined with the PURL method to help get users switched over and show them the benefits and the security information. The bank increased enrolment from .4 percent to 2.5 percent, an increase of 625 percent over its previous marketing methods. Of those who went to the site, eight out of 10 enrolled.
Combining your Postcard Marketing Campaign along with the PURL s is affordable for your business. Our company specializes in bringing this all together for you to help you succeed. There is nothing better than your success story to compliment our business. An account is free with us to start building your CRM to launch your next multi touch campaign.

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